Savvy companies want the market dominance of AI-based consumer apps like TikTok. But they can become paralyzed with fears about consumer backlash over AI’s potential downsides. This tension impedes their AI transformation programs.
In response, Prolego launched a research campaign to answer the question, What do consumers actually think about AI and the companies that embrace it? Do AI-driven products represent more opportunity or a loss of control?
What we discovered surprised us: focusing on AI modernization as being either “good” or “bad” is unhelpful. Far more relevant to business decisions is recognizing the emergence of a consumer who has a whole new perspective on AI.
We call this consumer the AI Native. This research report introduces you to AI Natives and helps you plot a path towards engaging them.
Don't waste months of your time wandering down the wrong path! We're happy to help you on a 30-minute call.